Volume 4, Number 1, February 2024 Memory: Sites, Trauma and Materiality, Memoria: Trauma, Sitios y Materialidad
Introduction Kingsley Baird, Kendall R. Phillips, and María Alejandra Vitale Ki te Titia Tāku Raukura: Should My Plume of Peace be Witnessed Quivering Stuart Foster (Tangata Tiriti), Kura Puke (Te Āti Awa, Taranaki) Montserrat (a phono-archaeology) Raul Ortega Ayala The exploitation, repatriation, and memorialisation of human remains: An artist’s experiences Kingsley Baird The Discursive Memory of Argentina’s Last Dictatorship in an Intelligence Archive María Alejandra Vitale The Duty of Memory, Reflections on Remembering the Spanish Civil War and Francoism Adriana Minardi Nature and Memory: accounts from sons and daughters of disappeared parents whose bodies were identified and restituted Soledad Catoggio Displaced. Fragments in the diaspora Alex Méndez Giner Artificial Memory? Kendall R. Phillips Global Memoryscapes & the Plague: AIDS, Mnemonic Worldmaking, and the Transnational Archive Charles E. Morris III